Monday, August 6, 2007

Week 6 - Thing 13 & Thing 14

I certainty see the benefit of using to store bookmarks, especially if someone is using many different computers to access the Internet. I imported my bookmarks from my personal computer to my account. We'll see if I ever use it. I did find and save a few Elizabeth Peters sites I had not seen before.

For the library setting, it seems a little too loosey goosey - if anyone can edit and add tags it could get unruly. If it could be managed, it would be a useful research tool. Then again, many library websites have lists of other useful websites. Sometimes they are buried too deep within the site for patrons to find.

I am still not sure what I would ever do with Technorati. I searched for library blogs and found a few. They have some postings but these seem to be announcements that could just as easily be on their websites. It looks like the music page is just another marketing tool - with links to Amazon to purchase the music.

The whole idea of tagging seem so subjective but at the same time kind of cool. There are no rules!

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